Our SHEDI DWELLING units (ADUs) provides additional living space on your property, most commonly in your backyard. ADUs are popular home additions because they can be optimized to fit your needs. Whether you call it a granny flat, cottage, casita or in-law suite, our SHEDI DWELLING solution can comes in many sizes and styles. Their detached nature means you can expand your living space without the hassle of home construction or remodeling. All while using our POWERFUL SHEDI/SIPs technology.
Built for a Lifetime of Comfort and Value! Did you know your structure can be high-performance? When you use our SHEDIs built with SIPs for your SHEDI, SHEDI DWELLING or SHEDI BARNDO, you choose an energy-efficient structure that will save you money for years to come. A products are wholly engineered to perform as a package and not just as components. The SHEDI lines, powered by SIPs, are built to be superior to stick-frame construction in both energy efficiency and durability. Add in time to use and the SHEDI is really the only right choice.

The walls and roof panels of your structure could be up to 15 times more airtight than traditional construction, resulting in a more comfortable structure for you. Building with Structural Insulated Panels reduces air movements and drafts, moisture, and noise and helps keep dust and allergens from penetrating. A SHEDI strucutre can be constructed faster and with less labor due to the insulating, framing, and sheathing being combined into one panel during manufacturing.

When you are ready....WE ARE!